
8 Benefits of Waterless Composting Toilets

8 Benefits of Waterless Composting Toilets
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Apart from preserving water for important uses, such as drinking, the advantages of waterless toilets are many.

Most people are afraid of adopting waterless toilets, even though they have problems with accessing sufficient water for flushing toilets, mainly because of failing to appreciate their benefits.

Here are 8 benefits of waterless composting toilets.

  • Minimal use of water in waste disposal
  • Reduction in odor in waste disposal systems
  • Contribute to environmental sustainability and conservation
  • Eliminate the use of septic tanks
  • Source of manure for non-edible plants
  • Limited damages
  • Improved flexibility
  • Descent human waste disposal in unusual sites

1. Minimal use of water in waste disposal

 This is the key advantage of waterless toilets. Unlike flush toilets, waterless toilets or dry toilets do not require water, or use very little water in the disposal of human wastes.

For those who live in semi-arid areas, or places with frequent droughts, waterless toilets provide the much desired relief for hygienic disposal of excreta.

Studies estimate the bathroom takes up most of all water used in a home. In the U.S., for example, an individual averagely uses 100 gallons of water each day. Out of this, about one third is used in flushing down wastes into sewer systems and septic tanks.

Another study estimates that using composting toilets, a common type of dry toilets, can save over 6,000 gallons of water per individual per year.

Furthermore, the use of waterless toilets can result in reduced costs of water, by up to 60%.

2. Reduction in odor in waste disposal systems

 Ventilation systems for waterless human waste disposal systems are usually well designed.

If used well, waterless toilets are odorless and surpass flush water toilets that require detergents to keep away odor. Contrary to popular beliefs, waterless toilets score highly on this aspect.

3. Contribute to environmental sustainability and conservation

Using dry, eco-friendly toilets contribute to environmental sustainability and conservation. The burden of treating human wastes on treatment plants is greatly reduced.

For example, maintenance of sewage systems requires the use fossil fuels, which pollute the environment.

Furthermore, a lot of waste from sewage treatment plants get into waterways, lakes and oceans, resulting in water habitats unsuitable for birds and plants.

When there is less pollution on water bodies, there is more oxygen available in the waters, which results in more activity for water creatures; something good for the ecosystem.

Since waste from waterless toilets, such as composting toilets, are usually treated onsite, it eliminates the use of extensive sewer lines that disrupt communities.

Dry toilets have very limited negative impact on the environment because of the following main reasons:

  • There is no release of dangerous effluents into water bodies inhabited by fish and other aquatic life.
  • Digging the ground to lay pipes for transporting waste into sewer lines or septic tanks is unnecessary, something that disrupts soils.
  • No worries about deteriorating sewage and septic tanks leaking into ground water and causing pollution

4. Eliminate the use of septic tanks

Waterless toilets spare you the use of septic tanks. Septic tanks are costly to buy, install, and maintain. They are also likely to cause discomfort either through odors or spillage.

Even when covered, septic tanks are likely to emit an odor, especially when water or other debris finds its way into them.

5. Source of manure for non-edible plants

Composting toilets, the most popular type of waterless toilets, provide compost that can be used as manure for the growing of non-edible plants.

For example, when growing flowers for aesthetic purposes, using compost from a composting waterless toilet can add rich nutrients to enhance the plant’s growth.

6. Limited damages

Any miscalculation in the construction of a sewer system meant for many people can be costly and difficult to repair. However, for a waterless toilet, the same mistake cannot be very costly.

An error in the designing or installation of waterless toilets is easier to correct, while still ensuring normalcy in the disposal of human wastes.

7. Improved flexibility

Most waterless toilets are put up whenever there is need. Conventional sewer systems, on the other hand, require a lot of costly planning and must be put up in designated areas.

Worse still, plans for the conventional sewer systems can go wrong and result in extensive wastages, unlike plans for waterless toilets in which changes can be made without much damages.

Furthermore, waterless toilets enhance flexibility in the building of houses within residential areas.

Instead of focusing on building houses that avoid disrupting the underground sewage system, waterless toilets focus on environmental and social considerations.

8. Descent human waste disposal in unusual sites

Waterless toilets can be constructed in a variety of places, even where other human waste disposal systems cannot be accommodated—giving them a clear edge.

For example, in high water table areas, swampy sites, or mountainous regions, waterless toilets still provide a descent way to dispose human wastes.


The benefits of waterless toilets are many. Importantly, waterless toilets give the opportunity for a sustainable world, coupled with savings on precious water resources.

Furthermore, waterless toilets ease the burden on conventional sewer systems, whose users are increasing each day.

Why should we continue wasting water for flushing toilets when waterless toilet technology can assist us save this precious resource?

Think about the benefits of this technology the next time you want to use water to do your business.

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