Waterless Toilets All You Need To Know – Tips, Tricks, and Trends
Waterless toilets have gained approval around the world with developing countries adopting new technologies in the disposal of human wastes and improving sanitation. When dealing with waterless toilets all you need to know is how to use, care and maintain them. Some of the waterless toilet technology and emerging trends that households are embracing to… (0 comment)

How Composting Toilets Work – What Is a Composting Toilet | WaterLess Toilet
Composting toilets are a favorite among households that have embraced green living, especially in developing countries. This is because they are cheaper alternatives to conventional flush toilet systems that require complicated sewerage systems and treatment plants. Most households are however skeptical about having this type of waterless toilet in their homes for fear of foul… (0 comment)

8 Tips for an Eco-friendly Bathroom
If you have been wondering how to conserve water and energy in your bathroom and cut down the costs on your utility bills, then going green is the way to go. An eco-friendly bathroom not only improves efficiency in your home but also has a huge impact on the environment. Many households grapple with huge… (0 comment)