5 Best Toilet Papers for Composting Toilets
The composting toilet is a favorite among most waterless toilet enthusiasts for two major reasons; it is affordable and easy to use. It is also environmentally friendly and is lauded for its many accrued benefits. One of these being its ability to break down human waste into useful end products by natural mechanisms through a… (0 comment)

How Composting Toilets Work – What Is a Composting Toilet | WaterLess Toilet
Composting toilets are a favorite among households that have embraced green living, especially in developing countries. This is because they are cheaper alternatives to conventional flush toilet systems that require complicated sewerage systems and treatment plants. Most households are however skeptical about having this type of waterless toilet in their homes for fear of foul… (0 comment)

Composting Waterless Toilets Advantages and Disadvantages | WaterLess Toilet
Composting waterless toilets are popular because they are a cheap alternative to the conventional flush toilet as compared to other waterless systems. The composting toilet is one of the most common waterless toilets among households in developing countries. There are different types of waterless systems from incinerating toilets to the nanotechnology and urine diversion flush… (0 comment)

How does a waterless toilet work?
Waterless toilets are important in areas where water is scarce, mainly because they do not use water to dispose human excreta. However, their adoption is still limited globally due to misunderstanding on how they work. If used well, waterless toilets provide an ideal option for hazard-free disposal of human waste in water deficit regions. Here… (0 comment)

What is a waterless toilet?
Waterless toilets lead to conservation of water and spare waterways and the environment from dangerous effluents released from the sewer treatment plants. A waterless toilet, is a step up from the traditional pit latrine. Pit latrines, though convenient, often emit odor unlike waterless toilets. Furthermore, the compost from waterless toilets can be used to produce… (0 comment)